EnergyPulse stakeholder access

< About EnergyPulse

The links below are tailored views to provide specific solutions utilising the EnergyPulse database.

If you would like to know more about the opportunity to create a specific view of the EnergyPulse database, get in touch with the team.

Stakeholder Access

  • Offshore Wind Growth Partnership

    The Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) is a long-term business transformation programme that has been established as part of the UK Offshore Wind Sector Deal. It will promote closer collaboration across the supply chain, implement structured productivity improvement programmes and facilitate shared growth opportunities between developers and the supply chain.

    RenewableUK's EnergyPulse system is the industry’s go-to market intelligence service, providing comprehensive and accurate energy data, insights, and focussed dashboards for the wind, marine, energy storage and green hydrogen sectors in the UK and offshore wind globally.

    The EnergyPulse team worked with OWGP as part of an agreement between OWGP and RenewableUK to support companies as they explore and grow opportunities in the offshore wind sector.

    Global Offshore Wind Pipeline Link (OWGP/RUK only login)

    Offshore Wind Contracts Link (OWGP/RUK only login)

  • Offshore Wind Industry Council Pathways to Growth (P2G)

    Pathways to Growth (P2G) is the Offshore Wind Sector Deal workstream focused, with the support and guidance of the P2G Coordination Group,  on resolving consenting issues to enable Government’s 2030 and net zero targets.

    Addressing resourcing challenges in the SNCBs and regulatory bodies is one of the issues P2G has prioritised and RenewableUK and P2G are working together to explore whether RenewableUK’s project database, EnergyPulse, can be used to help predict future resourcing needs by sharing a modelled long term forward look at the project pipeline. 

    UK Offshore Wind Pipeline Link (P2G/RUK only login)

  • RenewableUK Staff

  • Solar Energy UK Staff

  • Aviation Impact Tool

    The aviation impact tool funded by AIFCL and OWIC, is hosted by EnergyPulse and RenewableUK. This pre-planning tool is designed to assist UK wind farm developers in identifying potential aviation impacts on proposed development areas. It incorporates data from existing wind farms and radars operated by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), NATS En Route Limited (NERL), airports, and the Met Office.

    Access the tool