08/08/2024 | 3 mins | Grid

Polling shows most feel frustrated when renewable energy projects are blocked by a small number of objectors
8 August 2024 - RenewableUK press release
Polling by Opinium Research, commissioned by RenewableUK, shows that the majority of people want new clean energy projects to go ahead where they have local support - including new grid infrastructure – and would be frustrated if new wind and solar farms were blocked.
The UK-wide poll of 10,021 UK adults reveals that 61% would feel frustrated if a local renewable energy project supported by the majority of the community was blocked from being built by a small number of objectors. Only 19% disagreed. Support is even higher among Labour voters at 70%.
A clear majority of those polled (59%) support the construction of new electricity grid infrastructure to deliver a faster roll out of low-cost renewable energy, with only 6% opposed.
Support for new grid infrastructure within five miles of people’s homes increases to 61% if it forms part of a national programme of upgrades to support investment in low-cost clean energy, and provides funding for the local community, with only 8% opposed.
In its election manifesto, the Labour party said the lack of new grid infrastructure has become the biggest obstacle to the deployment of cheap, clean power, with some grid connection dates not being offered until the late 2030s. Ministers are now looking at how best to work with industry to upgrade our national transmission infrastructure and rewire Britain.
RenewableUK’s Head of Strategic Communications Nathan Bennett said:
“Support for new wind and solar farms has been rising for several years now, driven by their low cost, concerns about the UK’s energy security and the need to tackle climate change. What’s interesting about this polling is that support doesn’t just remain strong when people are faced with the prospect of a wind farm in their local area, but there’s now a silent majority of people who would be frustrated to see local projects stopped by small groups of opponents.
“The polling on public attitudes to new grid infrastructure is also revealing, as it shows that the majority of people are happy to see new grid built near to them if the project is part of a clear national plan, provides local funding for communities and enables investment in projects which generate low-cost power. The Government is committed to introducing reforms to get vital new grid infrastructure built faster to make the most of our world-class clean energy resources, so we’re looking forward to making progress on this longstanding barrier as soon as possible”.
For further information, contact
Sam Sheppard, Senior Communications and Campaigns Manager
077384 93827 sam.sheppard@renewableuk.com
- RenewableUK’s members are building our future energy system, powered by clean electricity. We bring them together to deliver that future faster; a future which is better for industry, billpayers, and the environment. We support over 470 member companies to ensure increasing amounts of renewable electricity are deployed across the UK and to access export markets all over the world. Our members are business leaders, technology innovators, and expert thinkers from right across industry.
- The fully weighted UK-wide poll of 10,021 adults was conducted by Opinium Research on 19 - 22 April 2024.
- RenewableUK’s events programme is available here.