Building on over 30 years of technology deployment and unblocking the barriers to deployment across the UK

Onshore wind
About onshore wind
Onshore wind has been generating power on a commercial scale since 1991, and as a result, it’s now one of the cheapest sources of power generation, contributing to lower bills for businesses and families. We want to make it as easy as possible to build new onshore wind farms where communities want to see them.
RenewableUK continues to support the development of onshore wind across the UK and we’re working hard to make onshore wind in England a reality again, following the lifting of the de-facto ban that had been in place since 2015. Building on consistently high levels of public support, we need to at least double the capacity of onshore wind in the UK by 2030 if, as a country, we want to lower bills, combat climate change and support UK industry.
Our work in onshore wind
Working proactively with local communities, the sector can make sure that the right developments can progress and that the environmental, economic and social benefits of onshore wind investment are felt at the local level. From work for local construction firms, to community benefit schemes and skilled, long-term jobs in maintenance and engineering, onshore wind can bring new opportunities to communities across the UK.
over 10 million
Homes powered by onshore wind
over 15GW
of onshore wind capacity
Featured event

Onshore Wind 2025
EICC, Edinburgh
- News
- Publications
- Working groups
- Supported organisations
RenewableUK runs several working groups with our members related to onshore wind.
Onshore wind related working groups
Onshore planning working group
Establishing industry positions for advocacy, policy and lobbying purposes relating to terrestrial planning and environment issues. As planning is a devolved issue, it will support and leverage existing expertise, policy and engagement activity and ensure alignment with government policy in Wales (RenewableUK Cymru), Northern Ireland (RenewableNI) and Scotland.
Aviation working group
This Working Group has been established to help shape and deliver coordinated policy and programmes which will build on the prevailing environment of coexistence between the wind and aviation industry, minimising friction in the development process and accelerating deployment.
Other onshore initiatives
We are currently providing secretariat to the Aviation Investment Fund Company Ltd, the wind industry funding body for aviation solutions.