As of the date of publication, the global operational offshore wind capacity stands at 80.9GW with a further 22.7GW undergoing offshore construction. For the first time, China makes up more than 50% of global commissioned capacity, with 41GW, followed by the UK with 14.7GW.
In the UK, the report explores offshore wind ownership, forecasts, and offshore transmission owners (OFTOs), as well as ownership of CfD-awarded capacity and the capacity eligible for upcoming auction rounds.
Globally, the report details past and future offshore wind deployment, where global offshore wind capacity could reach 254GW by the end of 2030. There are also separate forecasts for the 3.9GW of floating offshore wind expected globally by 2030.
The report also features the share by contractor and country of major project components required by 2030, as well as detailing the number of components yet to be contracted to achieve the 2030 capacity – including foundations, turbines, cables, and offshore substations.
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This EnergyPulse report represents a snapshot of the interactive and daily- updated RenewableUK EnergyPulse database, available to RenewableUK members for free. Within the database, discover comprehensive and accurate renewable energy data, forecasts, and dashboards for offshore wind globally, as well as find out who is contracting with who.